Thursday, April 16, 2009

removing the clutter...

....i don't know about you but, i have seasons in life that can only be described as cluttered. right now, my room, my car, my desk, my brian, even my computer bag are all cluterred messes. i don't like messy spaces but man, it's bad right now. every night when i get home and walk upstairs, i see the boxes, the pictures and shelves that should find a home, and walk back downstairs. i wish i made the time to de-clutter more than every few months. my mom tried to help by making me a labeled file for literally every possible piece of paper she could think of that needed filing. while it's very sweet, i don't keep copies of bank or credit card statements b/c i just go online to view my account. not that you care so i don't know why i'm telling you this...

when i get in a pattern like this, i usually make a list on my white board of things to tackle that stays there untouched/unchecked for, oh , about a month or two. i guess i can really only laugh at myself because it would take a serious organizing system to fix me. today, i'll start with my desk and try yet another system which won't work but, at least it's something.

i am completely aware that i just wasting three minutes of your life which you can never're welcome :-)