i had a great weekend. friday night after work i took some of my caregroup girls to see 27 dresses. traci and i saw this last week but it's one of those hillarious chick flicks that will never get old. i had so much fun hanging out with the kids, 15yr olds have such pure fun. they really wanted to t.p kurt's apartment but we couldn't find it. i loved doing this in high school so i was totally into.
saturday i headed for an escape to the mountain with my friend carly. we listened to great music on the way up and back and had a great time "training" on the mountain. we have this vision to become really good snowboarders over the next two years. we've decided we're committed and we want to be jumping by winter 2010. yeah, we'll see how that goes. i just love spending time with carly b/c she has known me for about 13 years (she would laugh at that) and has NEVER treated me differently. our relationsip has really never changed. we have somehow managed to stay in tune with each other even going in separate directions in life. she is not a person who talks to fill space, she got real things to say and i love how colorful her life is.
then sunday was fun going to church, finally getting to see zach after a week of not seeing him, spending time with my niece and then OVERFLOW. all in all, a great weekend.
ohh...and i decided to join the easter choir at sunset. the last time i sang at church was back in North Carolina in a church full of color and soul so it should be interesting to see how this goes. not that sunset doesn't have soul...it's just that watching a bunch of white people trying to sway back and forth and clap on beat is always entertaining. but singing has always been a passion of mine so i'm excited.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sunday, February 17, 2008
a surpriZe...
is what i got on saturday night. i went to a memorial for my friend Wesley Winters from high school who died unexpectedly last sunday and then met zachat his grandmas house for dinner with his family which was great. we headed back to my house for a bit. i walked upstairs to change still feeling emotional from the service and when i opened the door this is what i saw....
a tulip (my fav) for every month we've been together...14. Two bears,a huge thing of chocolates, and the cutest note i've read. i was so surprised and made the girliest noise you've ever heard. it was great. to know that he'd put the effort in and been there when i was gone was so sweet:-) it made a perfect ending to a rough day and i couldn't ask for anything more. thanks zachy:-)
Friday, February 15, 2008
i'd love to hear from everyone what they did for valentine's day. i don't care if your single or 85 and married. it's fun to hear the uniqueness of every relationship.
i spent valentine's day texting and talking to zach and then, because he had caregroup, the evening with my homegirls. my friend kristina and i got some pizzicato in the pearl and i'm pretty sure everyone thought we were lesbians but whatev....that's portland for ya! so we got to catch up about life etc. and that was great, totally what i needed with her. then my other friend jess joined us for brownies and we ended up talking about heaven, death, hair dye and more. i LOVE my friends for that very reason. we talked about books, hair cuts, race, heaven, politics and death all in the span of about an hour. phenomenal. my friends rock.
then i decided to surprise zach with something cute and dorky. i often leave him notes on his car or at his apartment, try to do fun things out of the ordinary for him hoping that he might catch on and do that for me! i don't expect big things, or gifts in general but i LOVE surprises. so we decided not to do anything for V-day b/c his B-day is coming up and we can do a double celebration via the big surprise i'm whipping up for that. so i wasn't expecting anything...but still, a girl can dream! all day i kept telling him that he must have given the flower company the wrong address because i still hadn't received the flowers he sent me (knowing full well he didn't get me any). so last night i drove to shay's house where i knew he'd be watching LOST with his kids and i knew his car would be unlocked. i left a really cheesy monkey with a cute card on his dash. not much but i know that the words in the card made him smile and he appreciated the effort i made to show him he's valued and desired. (ugh, that sounds soooo psychologist)
the great thing about zach is that he compliments me everyday. pretty much everytime we talk he says something that makes me smile and speaks to my heart. when i went to DC in june he stashed little notes in my suitcase for me to dig up over the two weeks. of everything he wrote, one thing stays with me everyday "you are what beauty is and could ever hope to become". it might sound cheesy to you but to me, it's perfect.
even then, as much as i enjoyed hearing things from zach and my friends yesterday, i found myself crying in bed last night praying that God would be the one to satisfy my need to be desired and wanted. not just romantically but in so many ways. my desire to be affirmed in everything in life is a lost cause. nobody on earth could totally fill that need.
i'm thankful that my friends and i have never made a big to-do about valentine's day, even though i miss the SAD (Singles Awareness Day) parties we threw ourselves in college. and i'm thankful that i realized how important and appreciated zach makes me feel everyday, even if we both have a long way to go in understanding how to show it to one another.
SO- thanks to my friends for good convo and fun texts/emails yesterday. and thanks zach for being you.
hope you expereinced love in some form yesterday....
peace love
i spent valentine's day texting and talking to zach and then, because he had caregroup, the evening with my homegirls. my friend kristina and i got some pizzicato in the pearl and i'm pretty sure everyone thought we were lesbians but whatev....that's portland for ya! so we got to catch up about life etc. and that was great, totally what i needed with her. then my other friend jess joined us for brownies and we ended up talking about heaven, death, hair dye and more. i LOVE my friends for that very reason. we talked about books, hair cuts, race, heaven, politics and death all in the span of about an hour. phenomenal. my friends rock.
then i decided to surprise zach with something cute and dorky. i often leave him notes on his car or at his apartment, try to do fun things out of the ordinary for him hoping that he might catch on and do that for me! i don't expect big things, or gifts in general but i LOVE surprises. so we decided not to do anything for V-day b/c his B-day is coming up and we can do a double celebration via the big surprise i'm whipping up for that. so i wasn't expecting anything...but still, a girl can dream! all day i kept telling him that he must have given the flower company the wrong address because i still hadn't received the flowers he sent me (knowing full well he didn't get me any). so last night i drove to shay's house where i knew he'd be watching LOST with his kids and i knew his car would be unlocked. i left a really cheesy monkey with a cute card on his dash. not much but i know that the words in the card made him smile and he appreciated the effort i made to show him he's valued and desired. (ugh, that sounds soooo psychologist)
the great thing about zach is that he compliments me everyday. pretty much everytime we talk he says something that makes me smile and speaks to my heart. when i went to DC in june he stashed little notes in my suitcase for me to dig up over the two weeks. of everything he wrote, one thing stays with me everyday "you are what beauty is and could ever hope to become". it might sound cheesy to you but to me, it's perfect.
even then, as much as i enjoyed hearing things from zach and my friends yesterday, i found myself crying in bed last night praying that God would be the one to satisfy my need to be desired and wanted. not just romantically but in so many ways. my desire to be affirmed in everything in life is a lost cause. nobody on earth could totally fill that need.
i'm thankful that my friends and i have never made a big to-do about valentine's day, even though i miss the SAD (Singles Awareness Day) parties we threw ourselves in college. and i'm thankful that i realized how important and appreciated zach makes me feel everyday, even if we both have a long way to go in understanding how to show it to one another.
SO- thanks to my friends for good convo and fun texts/emails yesterday. and thanks zach for being you.
hope you expereinced love in some form yesterday....
peace love
Monday, February 11, 2008
where've you been?
i started this post out listing all the things that have changed in the last month, stuff i've been through that hasn't been so pretty. but then i realized that i need to start letting go of the past. i think too much about the past and i let it dictate the present. so my goal is to recap the past in a positive light. where am i going now and what have i learned from where i've been? what inspired this thought you might ask? this past weekend somebody asked me where i've been and i realized that in my efforts to balance out some areas of my life like friendships, i've inevitably sacrificed some others.
i've been working...alot. it wouldn't be so bad except for the stress i put on myself which adds to my anxiety. don't worry...i'm getting that figured out. i work for a public affairs firm called Pyramid Communications.
We work mostly for non-profit progressive causes servicing clients in communications plans, branding, media relations, strategic planning etc. i love it. i've had to climb a serious learning curve but i am so excited to be working for a company who works for good causes. i've never been satisfied doing something without a purpose, especially work. so it's challenging and great. everything i asked for.
zach and i are still together. coming up on one year and a few months. it's crazy to think about but it's so awesome. i love being in a relationship with him. i get to learn things about him that nobody else knows and i open up to him in ways that i never imagined i would to a guy. i can honestly say that the trust in our relationship, due to our brutal honesty from the very beginning, has been so refreshing.
since graduating college most of my friends and i have been moving non-stop with work and life in separate directions. the transition ater college sucked. it's a funky time in life, and the first time where you can't identify with the lifestyle of your friends. your lives cease to resemble each other, which was so comforting in high school and college. you go from living a similar day to day life to living a crazy, confusing life. anytime i was stressed out or whatever, i just opened my door and had 60 girls waiting to cheer me up. or when i needed to vent, i walked a few blocks to the patty shack, plopped myself on my friends couch and ate an otter pop. they ALWAYS understood and connected with what was going on in mu life.
it's only been in the past few months that i feel like i'm finally re-connecting to my friends in post-college life. it's been tough for me as i still live at home...this adds a totally different dynamic to my social life, but whatev. i've watched my friends make some huge decisions and strides in their lives over the past few months. i was so focused on me and my decisions that i had no room to care for them as i used to. now that i'm learning to set myself aside to listen my friends, leave my schedule behind me and just chill like we used to, we're getting stronger. traci and i especially have been working through some growing pains in our lives which affected over our freindship but i think we've worked through the major kinks and let's face it...there's pretty much nothing we haven't been through by now. my friends are awesome, they are one of my many sources of untapped rejuvination.
so the changes ive been through since september have been huge. they've been a source of stress and anxiety but also a source of growth and hope. i'm learning alot about the life i have and the life i want to have. big difference there. it's all been in Gods plan and timing, i just need to roll with it. as Colonel dad has always said, "when life comes at you, strap on your parachute and yell huuah all the way down"
time to relax with some college hoops.....peace love
i've been working...alot. it wouldn't be so bad except for the stress i put on myself which adds to my anxiety. don't worry...i'm getting that figured out. i work for a public affairs firm called Pyramid Communications.
We work mostly for non-profit progressive causes servicing clients in communications plans, branding, media relations, strategic planning etc. i love it. i've had to climb a serious learning curve but i am so excited to be working for a company who works for good causes. i've never been satisfied doing something without a purpose, especially work. so it's challenging and great. everything i asked for.
zach and i are still together. coming up on one year and a few months. it's crazy to think about but it's so awesome. i love being in a relationship with him. i get to learn things about him that nobody else knows and i open up to him in ways that i never imagined i would to a guy. i can honestly say that the trust in our relationship, due to our brutal honesty from the very beginning, has been so refreshing.
since graduating college most of my friends and i have been moving non-stop with work and life in separate directions. the transition ater college sucked. it's a funky time in life, and the first time where you can't identify with the lifestyle of your friends. your lives cease to resemble each other, which was so comforting in high school and college. you go from living a similar day to day life to living a crazy, confusing life. anytime i was stressed out or whatever, i just opened my door and had 60 girls waiting to cheer me up. or when i needed to vent, i walked a few blocks to the patty shack, plopped myself on my friends couch and ate an otter pop. they ALWAYS understood and connected with what was going on in mu life.
it's only been in the past few months that i feel like i'm finally re-connecting to my friends in post-college life. it's been tough for me as i still live at home...this adds a totally different dynamic to my social life, but whatev. i've watched my friends make some huge decisions and strides in their lives over the past few months. i was so focused on me and my decisions that i had no room to care for them as i used to. now that i'm learning to set myself aside to listen my friends, leave my schedule behind me and just chill like we used to, we're getting stronger. traci and i especially have been working through some growing pains in our lives which affected over our freindship but i think we've worked through the major kinks and let's face it...there's pretty much nothing we haven't been through by now. my friends are awesome, they are one of my many sources of untapped rejuvination.
so the changes ive been through since september have been huge. they've been a source of stress and anxiety but also a source of growth and hope. i'm learning alot about the life i have and the life i want to have. big difference there. it's all been in Gods plan and timing, i just need to roll with it. as Colonel dad has always said, "when life comes at you, strap on your parachute and yell huuah all the way down"
time to relax with some college hoops.....peace love
Monday, February 4, 2008
more Obama for yo' momma
one of my bosses sent this video around today, it's tight. i don't care who you are or who you're voting for...this video is powerful and really captures how significant the upcoming election is. i can't figure out how to import video into my blog but you HAVE to check it out if you haven't already. john legend is amazing...
also, i've decided i need to spice my blog up a bit so i thought what better way to do that then by having guest appearances from some of my best friends! you can look forward to some guest postings in the near future, and if you know my friends you know they'll be well worth the read....
peace love
also, i've decided i need to spice my blog up a bit so i thought what better way to do that then by having guest appearances from some of my best friends! you can look forward to some guest postings in the near future, and if you know my friends you know they'll be well worth the read....
peace love
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