Wednesday, November 28, 2007


*To throw into a state of confusion*

I used to think the word caprious best captured my everyday life in thoughts and actions but now I think discombobulated does. I have been out of control busy for the past two weeks. Ok let me back up. I blogged a week or so ago about how I wanted to stay positive for the week to come. I did pretty well with that. My office moved from SE to NW. Well let's put it more like I moved the office and everyone else showed up to ask questions. I'm not complaining, just being sarcastic. I knew from the get go that this would be in my court and nothing went wrong, we moved in ahead of schedule, but it was just stressful. I haven't managed multiple people and pieces in a while and I forgot how time consuming and brain consuming it is. There were alot of points where I could have been negative or told people to stop asking stupid questions, but I really held it together well. Work hasn't slowed down much, it's actually picked up, but such is life.

I've definitely been connecting more to God lately (thank you Melinda and Stacey for the encouragement) and I've recognized that as I'm working to get over this hump in my life and move on to the better Kristen, I'm encountering a type of spiritual warfare like never before. I don't have time to go into it in detail but I feel like I'm being attacked physically. I'm exhausted everyday and all I want to do is sleep but no matter how much sleep I get, I'm never rested. And of course, hundreds of thoughts have flown through my head like: maybe you have mono, maybe you have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or maybe you have some crazy cell disease nobody has ever heard of....and then I tell myself to snap out of it and ask God to give me energy. I'm afraid to go to the doctor b/c I'm paying for my medical insurance which is illness or injury only so I'm just hoping that this is nothing to be concerned about.

BUT despite that junk, life is good. I have a cool job, get to go snowboarding this weekend, have a patient and fun boyfriend and committed friends.

Ok...back to work:-)


Unknown said...

Maybe you should start taking afternoon naps everyday like you used to do at Pi Phi. : )
Miss you girl!

Melinda said...

I have missed crossing paths with you . . . but enjoy the sparkle in Mr. Miller's eyes, when I ask about you! Sorry things are so frazzled for you right now.