Thursday, December 18, 2008

the breakup...

....don't worry, this is not another self-invovled post, though i can relate in some way's to this girl's story. my friend jess, who is still in the midst of a break-up, sent me the link to this audio clip. if you have 30-45 minutes to kill i strongly recommend listening to it. on this epsisode of "this american life" ira talks to a girl about her break-up. she was so devasted and into the emotions of it all that she decided to write a song about it. she interviews phil collins, the king of break-up songs, and communicates her feelings about the breakup in a raw, honest and funny way. she's one of those people that doesn't know she's funny. my favorite line is "we took hand holding to a new level"...i can totally relate. it amazes me that sights, sounds and smells can take us back to a moment with someone like we never left it.

one great observation she makes is that break-ups are one of the few emotionally intimate experiences that almost every human being has in common. anywhoo, take a listen. i would love to hear your thoughts. the other "acts" that follow are also really interesting.


Janet Fraser said...

yes, love this episode! thanks K for the link

jaison Williams said...

Break up is a hard decision. It sounds easier said then done, but it's worth a try.