Thursday, January 31, 2008
on the phone tonight with zach i told him i was on my blog and wanted to post a picture. i asked him what it should be of and he said "God". i said umm no. he said "Jesus". i said try again. he said "us". so here you go, the picture of the day is of "us". you're welcome portland....
not exactly the best pic of us but definitely indicative of our relationship...
Monday, January 28, 2008
awesome weekend
so winter camp with the high schoolers was so great. i was really hesitiant to go but am so glad i listened to God and went. i had sophomore girls and they were awesome. so much fun and no drama. they didn't bring makeup, hair straightners, or blow driers..just a ton of candy ,my kind of girls! it was so refreshing to have teenage girls around who didn't care about where they sat at meal times or worship, who they saw on the way, where the boys cabins were etc. we had a great time laughing, playing in the snow and just hanging out. i think i'm going to stick with them through the rest of the school year b/c both of their leaders are pregnant.
worship last night was so powerful and fun. the kids all finally connected and were honest with themeselves and each other. our small group was great- i slept soundly and woke up to 6 more inches of snow:-) i loved living in a winter wonderland for a few days.
things i conquered this weekend:
-taking two showers in a nasty bathroom
-going up higher on the mountain with no fear
-doing a 360 on the way down the mountain (not the jump just the turn, Ryan Dixon witnessed it)
-cold toes
-challening teenagers with their lives
-held back the urge to jump in and help ...which meant keeping my mouth shut
-got over myself and connected with kids again:-)
now it's back to the grind but i am so thankful for everyone involved with our student ministry. this camp was awesome. it was different to not be involved with any programming for the first time in about five years, but it was so relaxing. mike giering is an awesome leader and the staff did a great job .....can't WAIT for HB '08!
and kurt, i'm sorry for that mean/funny joke i said on the way back from the meadow:-)
peace love folks
worship last night was so powerful and fun. the kids all finally connected and were honest with themeselves and each other. our small group was great- i slept soundly and woke up to 6 more inches of snow:-) i loved living in a winter wonderland for a few days.
things i conquered this weekend:
-taking two showers in a nasty bathroom
-going up higher on the mountain with no fear
-doing a 360 on the way down the mountain (not the jump just the turn, Ryan Dixon witnessed it)
-cold toes
-challening teenagers with their lives
-held back the urge to jump in and help ...which meant keeping my mouth shut
-got over myself and connected with kids again:-)
now it's back to the grind but i am so thankful for everyone involved with our student ministry. this camp was awesome. it was different to not be involved with any programming for the first time in about five years, but it was so relaxing. mike giering is an awesome leader and the staff did a great job .....can't WAIT for HB '08!
and kurt, i'm sorry for that mean/funny joke i said on the way back from the meadow:-)
peace love folks
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
thoughts on people
i think it's funny when people try to toot their own horn while trying to sound really humble. i'm watching the american idol auditions right now and this girl came on claiming to sound like mariah carey. you know it's going to be bad when someone claims to be as vocally capable as someone like mariah carey. so ryan seacrest is asking her why people say that about her and she says "like i'll be singing mariah carey when i'm walking around and people will be like oh my gosh are you playing mariah carey and i'm like um no that was me". just the way she said it, she was trying to sounds like she doesn't want the attention etc. i'm not trying to bash her b/c it's great that she had the confidence to get on the show, i just think it's so funny when people fish for compliments. i've done it, we've all done it....this just reminds me that what other people think of us doesn't matter one bit. i'm learning to live my life based on the worth my God gives me (which for a person who has sought affirmation in every relationship since birth is a tough thing to do)
back to the auditions...hope you have a good night!
back to the auditions...hope you have a good night!
Friday, January 18, 2008
will you be my valentine??
i get to work with one of my best friends everyday. kristina is awesome and she is such a fun person to have around. we used to work in the same pod and got nothing done. now we email each other from just a few feet away. here is what she has sent me far:

now this is a true heart shaped leather ottoman that someone is actually selling on craigslist.
now this next one is pretty trashy but it's hillarious b/c it's real....all real

and with that, i wish you a happy friday!!

now this is a true heart shaped leather ottoman that someone is actually selling on craigslist.
now this next one is pretty trashy but it's hillarious b/c it's real....all real

and with that, i wish you a happy friday!!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
i've been thinking alot lately about passion. is everyone born with passion or, is it something you pick up along the walk of life? i'm not sure if this is a generational thing, but lately, i've met very few people with sincere passions. i know plenty of people who have strong and passionate opinions but i only know a handful of people who are passionate about certain issues. i think the difference lies in the persons actions. you can be passionate in discussion but when it's over, are you going to live out the words you just spoke? (kinda like frontrunners in sports.)this came to my attention during the Iowa caucases last week. just a few nights before, i had watched the movie Bobby. it's about the hype around bobby kennedy and tells the stories of six different people who were affected in one way or another by his assassination. it was awesome to see the real footage of people, young and old, mobilizing to spread the word about the change bobby kennedy could bring to the white house. the speech Obama made after is victory in Iowa sounded very similar to the rhetoric of the kennedy days (both of them). the political race we've just entered into will be a monumental one. i hope that every person in this nation finds an issue and a candidate with whom they can identify with ( i still don't know who that is for me). the beauty of our democratic process can be realized in this next election no matter who is voted into office. we have a chance to make our voices heard about issues in our country and our world. maybe after this election senators and congressmen/women will actually appear on the floor of the senate and the house to vote like the old days instead of traveling around raising money to fund their next re-election.
so to answer my original question, i do think God gives us each passion. it's in our hearts and souls. we should do good in this world with the gift he's given each one of us.
what do you think? are we all born with passion?
so to answer my original question, i do think God gives us each passion. it's in our hearts and souls. we should do good in this world with the gift he's given each one of us.
what do you think? are we all born with passion?
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