Tuesday, January 22, 2008

thoughts on people

i think it's funny when people try to toot their own horn while trying to sound really humble. i'm watching the american idol auditions right now and this girl came on claiming to sound like mariah carey. you know it's going to be bad when someone claims to be as vocally capable as someone like mariah carey. so ryan seacrest is asking her why people say that about her and she says "like i'll be singing mariah carey when i'm walking around and people will be like oh my gosh are you playing mariah carey and i'm like um no that was me". just the way she said it, she was trying to sounds like she doesn't want the attention etc. i'm not trying to bash her b/c it's great that she had the confidence to get on the show, i just think it's so funny when people fish for compliments. i've done it, we've all done it....this just reminds me that what other people think of us doesn't matter one bit. i'm learning to live my life based on the worth my God gives me (which for a person who has sought affirmation in every relationship since birth is a tough thing to do)

back to the auditions...hope you have a good night!

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