Sunday, October 28, 2007


I've been thinking alot about passion lately. It seems that I've lost mine. I can honestly say I used to be very passionate about God, serving youth, dancing, sports and friends. But I really feel like I've lost my passion to do those things. I've allowed my fears and my comfort zone to own me and my time. Lately, I've been noticing more passion in my friends' lives and I have to be honest that I'm a bit jealous. I remember what it was like to dance across a stage or play on a court and not care what other people thought, it was so freeing...I miss feeling free.

It's not a coincidence that I've also been thinking about what "freedom in Christ" means. I believe that when you truly find your freedom in Christ, you find your passion. When you feel chained to certain feelings, habits, or ways, freedom is a tough thing to attain and passion is fleeting. I often remind myself that God has made each one of us in a unique likeness to Him and that other people's passions are not to be in competition with ours, or to even compliment ours. They just simply are. I know God has gifted me with certain talents and passions and I really want to tap into them. I need some hobbies of my own and I want to have those moments with God again where it's like He's the only one watching. I love those moments.

On another note, thanks to everyone who wrote/called to ask about my grandma. The service last week was really nice and I think my grandma got a great farewell. Her death really opened our families eyes to how much she held our family together. She really was the glue of our family, always updating everyone about the happenings of everyone else, sending cards at Christmas and birthday's. I pray that her life legacy impacted my mom and her siblings enough to make them think about sharing more of their lives across time and space.

That's all for now....(p.s. did you check out the moon tonight? wow)


Melinda said...

Glad to read about the update!

Your links description of me makes me sound like a stalker . . . sorry.

Carrie Peeples said...

I know what you mean about feeling like you've lost your passion. I think some phases are life are more passionate than others towards God. Like life, it ebs and flows.