Thursday, September 27, 2007

Oh my my

My mom's mom, my Grandma Lois was diagnosed with a severe brain tumor a few months ago. She had brain surgery in August and they successfully removed the tumor and started her on a heavy radiation and chemo treatment. A few weeks ago she started to get really really weak, forgetting how to do things like cook and sew which she has done her whole life. As of two weeks ago she couldn't get out of bed, walk down stairs and was not really eating at all. Her radiation and treatment had stopped because she was not doing well and just started back up this week. During her radiation her blood pressure dropped and they sent her into the emergency room. She's been there for a few days and they've figured out some things that have been causing her body to respond poorly so hopefully she'll be able to go home tomorrow.

Anyway, the reason I tell you all this is to ask for prayer. My mom flew out there this week to be with her and my grandpa but I think my g-ma she is just getting ready to give up. I just pray that she can find comfort in God and her family and at the very least get through the treatment. It's hard to have already had one grandparent pass away a few years ago (my dads dad) so I just am not ready to let go. I am so thankful to have had four grandparents for the past 23 years but am sad that I will be the only child in my family who's sposue won't have met all my grandparents who are very important to me. I need to be strong for her and for my mom, but it's hard. So now as my therapy, i will watch Grey's anatomy with my homegirls....thank you for listening.

1 comment:

Carrie Peeples said...

Good therapy ;) My grandmother actually died of a brain tumor, but when I was like 2 years old. She never survived the surgery. I'll be praying for you.