Sunday, September 30, 2007

When ministry get's sticky.....

You know it's really funny, earlier this week I read a very powerful verse in 1 Timothy 2:8
" I want men (and women) everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing". Now I interpret this as prayer and ministry. I like this verse b/c it's simple to read and understand but so hard to live out. Lately I've seen ministry get sticky. I've been involved now in one way or another with youth ministry for about six years. I've seen three high school pastors, five worship leaders cycle through at Sunset. While I know God calls different people at different times, it's been hard to see people come and go in Student Ministries...and lately there has been a wake of sticky aftermath to clean up after.

Recently I was asked to jump back in to ministry in a new position working with leaders I don't know very well. I am excited about the position b/c it's something I know God has gifted me at, however tonight at my first meeting I felt very unwelcome. I felt as if I was intruding on someone else's territory and I don't think everyone was clear on my reasons for accepting this specific position. While some comments may not have been intended for me, I felt as if they were trying to say I was not qualified to be there. After having been involved in a variety of projects within the Sunset program, this type of attitude really ticks me off. I am a team player, always have been. I thrive off of helping make other peoples ideas a reality and really thrive off of watching kids grow closer to God. I definitely do NOT thrive off of taking the place of another or "one upping" another person and I am pretty sure that God does not honor that type of service.

I know that God as called me to be involved again. I may be a political scientist but I can't stand politics, especially in the church! God calls us to honor the gifts He has given each of us for the good of His kingdom. Can we put our pride, opinions and agendas on hold for the sake of His plan? I certainly hope that is the mindset of all who are serving.....but I know from first hand experience that the politics can take us to a place where things get sticky. I'm committing myself to this position and will respond best to the needs of the leaders and students involved. I will choose to rise above the politics I've long been against and do this for God and the students.... Who's with me?!


Janet Fraser said...

love this! I too have been called this fall to take a step in to the gap that you describe here with all the transitions in ministry.

Ministry is sticky because we're human and flawed, if not, there'd have been little for Paul to write about!

Thanks for taking the step to serve with your gifts and influence both adults and students for Christ!

GodSide said...

yeah it is sticky...but sticky like syrup. I love pancakes smothered with syrup...but I dont like it getting on my hands or worse yet my clothes. Ministry is kinda like that. It is basically good and desirable...yet it can get messy and make your clothes stick to your skin. I appreciate volunteers like you who have hung around far longer than I have....that says alot to the students.

BTW - there is still room for you in WILDFIRE leadership...

Melinda said...

I have a Google Alert set up for anyone who posts on "I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing." I received a notice, clicked on it to check it out, and found my beautiful, loyal, God-focused co-worker's blog! I did not know that you blog!

Your thoughts read like a well-worn pair of shoes. They are both familiar on the inside from being worn and on the outside from the roughness of the terrain.

I do not know what ministry position you have just entered, but I would enjoy hearing about it and praying over it with you. Soon?